CNY steamboat gathering at Annie's house & celebrating Gina's birthday as well. Surrounded by friends' kids, wonder when is my kids going to be exist? Ideally hoping to start a family after being financially matured & before 35. Other pics here
~ The deeper the darkness... the more dazzling the light shines ~ Boku no Hero Academia (Anime)
~ Obstacles were never meant to stop us, it is there to guide us; telling us what we need to do to get closer to our goal.
~ You have to risk failure to succeed. The important thing is not to make one single mistake that will jeopardize the future. ~ An Wang
~ "You are not your thoughts." ~ Amber Rae
~ In the face of trouble, you need to assess the situation and if something can be done, there's no need to worry. What you need to do is take action. And if there's nothing to be done, worrying won't help. ~ Dalai Lama
~ If you talk about it, it's a dream. If you envision it, it's possible. But if you schedule it, it's real. ~ Tony Robbins
~ I find hope in the darkest of days, and focus in the brightest. I do not judge the universe. ~ Dalai Lama
~ For me, "problems" were "opportunities". However, "having no idea" was the origin of "problems". Therefore, "having no idea" was the origin to "opportunities". ~ Tob-Ittipat Peeradechapan (Tao Kae Noi)
~ You can be discouraged by failure, or you can learn from it. So go ahead & make mistakes, make all you can. Because, remember that's where you'll find success, on the far side of failure. ~ Thomas J. Watson
~ 坚持 —— 就是坚持做下去自己觉得已经非常努力的事。
~ If you aren't getting the results that you want in life, then something must have been done wrong, no excuse!
~ Whenever something goes wrong in ur life or u find urself in an unhappy situation, make it a habit to ask urself, "Wat did I do to allow this to happen?" Make note of what u discover & brainstorm ways u can make changes that will bring more positive & desired results. ~ Stephenie Zamora
~ If your behaviour is consistently high standard, your particular quality may be integrity ~ Aristotle
~ After a while, people will know you by your habits & habitual behaviour. These habits can be qualities.
~ Give your goals substance, imbue them with a value that exceeds the monetary;give them a subtext that will provide them with a dimension that will benefit not only you but other people as well: Donald Trump
~ 只有真正的强者才能从容、自信的面对世界总种考验
~ People don't buy features, they buy benefits
~ Get out of your comfort zone, climb out to the edge: Donald Trump
~ Winners see problems as a great way to prove themselves~ Do something very different everyday
~ To succeed, schedule the time, squeeze the lower priority, low significance activities. Bring the future you want into view. Want to change for the better, change the way you live today
~ If a yawning gap separates how you live & how you'll like to live, thats because you fail to bring your future into the present. You spend too much time on small tasks & pleasures. You invest too litttle time mapping out on the road to your hopes
~ We live as creatures of habits, but we form habits through our prevalent & persistent attitudes & believes: Gary W. Eldred
~ those who live the most emotionally satisfying, properous, & financially independent lives are people who find ways to move forward rather then mire themselves in complain. They are the people who do what they plan & plan what they do. They see possibilities when others see obstacles. These skills begin with attitude: Gary W. Eldred
~ to achieve large goals, think big
~ some people succeed because they are destined to, but most people succeed because they are determined to!
~ when you turn something you often do into a habit, it became you; so start doing what you'll love to be!
~ 争一事不如争千秋,更何况你怎么知道,老天爷的布局不是要你扛起更大的责任呢?
~ 人的胸襟有多大,成就空间就有多大
~ The strongest force in the human personality is the need to remain consistent in how we define ourself - Tony Robbins
~ The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, I can change - Carls Rogers
~ If you don't make mistakes, you don't make anything
~ When the will seeks to do one thing, & imagination envisions the opposite, the imagination wins everytime - Ruth Barrons Roosevelt
~ Emotion is a response to a thought & it's contagious, so change your thought to evoke a different emotion & eventually life
~ I believe & I'll strive to be one
~ I forgive all my past mistakes & fully accept what I am today; I deserve to have all the goodness in the universe for my mind, heart & soul
~ look into the past as a mirror, foresee future like a dream come true & understand present is the only chance to ACT to create an impact for the future
~ face obstructions with an optimistic & positive can-solve attitude, set a deadline depending on your threshold
~ even justified anger clouds the mind & takes the attention from where it needs to be
~ focus on healthy self image, erase unhealthy & limiting self image (of what you think you are capable of doing), e.g. I can't sell, I have social phobia, I can't design, etc.
~ "I WONDER..." is a word that'll lead you to the wonders of the universe & eventually life, don't only hope
~ No dream is too big, and no goal is impossible to reach
~ If you want to be interesting all you have to do is to BE INTERESTED, if you want to be respected all you have to do is to RESPECT, if you want to be loved all you have to do is LOVE - John Giagkiozis
~ Nothing has value to you until you give meaning to it
~ It is only what you believe that you produce; just look around at what you've got. If you desire a different future, you must now have different thoughts & beliefs - Raymond Aaron
~ Doin what you love is the cornerstone to having abundance in your life - Wayne Dyer
~ If none of the things you do support your desires in any direct way, then do not expect to get what you want in this lifetime..
~ If you won't allow yourself to dream it, I know you wun do it - Randy Pausch
~ Each mess is a lock on the gate that keeps abundance out; aka abundance is everywhere, but you lock it out with every mess in your life - Raymond Aaron
~ If you don't know where you are going, you'll end up somewhere else - Yogi Berra
~ Make it a habit to commit & complete whatever you are doing. A lack of total commitment played a big part in causing you to fall short of your goal & eventually life!
~ To be conscious that you are ignorant is a great step to knowledge - Benjamin Disreali
~ 成功是属于勇于改变的人
~ Everyone likes to be treated as an individual (for the very good reason that they are individuals!)
~ Don't limit your visions of yourself or your business - Jay Abraham
~ Whatever that you focus on EXPANDS. So start focusing on 'Solutions' rather than 'problems', & what you really wanted to achieve in life.
~ Your outer world is merely a reflection of your inner world. If you want to make a permanent change, stop focusing on the size of your problem & start focusing on the size of you!
~ We are what we think all day long... - Napoleon Hill
~ Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Begin it now. - Goethe
~ We each leave our mark on the world every moment of everyday through the choices we make & the actions we take.
~ Happiness. When you enjoy what you do & where you work, great things will happen - Zapppo's Tony Hsieh
Call me Ah Phang. Basically I am a guy, chinese guy. Started out green in the construction industry, then media, financial, back to media, then dive fully into minding my own business. After almost 6 years I'm back to media again. Don't ask me why.. It was not planned out that way.. at least not consciously from the beginning. Life is seldom the way as anyone would expect or plan. This is a journey after all.
Nice seeing you guys and gals while taking my ride around =) Have a generally safe (take some risks occasionally..) and fruitful life journey.
By the way, go all out to realize the dreams you want! Take care!