Tuesday, November 14, 2017


TIME; the ultimate resource everyone is born with as a gift from nature.

It is the only single resource that can allow us to convert into any other resources that we wish to acquire from this universe, whether it's for good or bad.  However, it is also a limited resource that is constantly leaking away just like a leaking tap water is, no matter what you do with it.

Knowledge, skills, health, relationship, financial wealth or any resource that is imaginable, you can get it depending on how you use your TIME.  There are many strategies to improve the efficiency for this conversion process, and those strategies themselves are also important knowledge to acquire.  One powerful & yet simple strategy/knowledge I've learnt from Adam Khoo is the formula:
E + R = O; where E=Event, R=Respond, O=Outcome.

The sooner one came to the realization of what they truly want in life, the better.  So that they can start using TIME in the best possible way to get whatever they want from life, before it runs out.

One word of caution.  It is easy to fall into the belief that TIME is a constant; it is not.  As one ages, TIME also pass by faster; it is a kind of perception and it varies among different species of living being at different mental states.