Sunday, June 22, 2008

True Love?

Humans aren't created to love just one forever by nature... Those who do faithfully love just one in their lifetime are errors & flaws of the nature.

Out of a thousand couples, how many dares truthfully say they have only one other person in their heart. If given the freedom to have more than one, will they still choose to be with only one life partner? I doubt so.. at least for the majority; be it a male or female. After all, humans are also animals similar in some ways to those living in the wild. Bear in mind our very 1st ancestor could be living on treetops;

That's why law comes in to intervene with marriages (before any couples are announced LAWFUL husband & wife) as a form of "contract"... To MAKE SURE marriage aren't taken lightly. Once you do break that, you'll have to pay for it.. BY LAW... If humans do love only one life partner by nature, will there still be a need for law to "bond" couples together? Just to prevent one another from committing "adultery"; so called by law..

There's nothing wrong with having more than one in your heart, I never say it was. But you just have to let go of the "rest" from your life & stay with only one, until the day you break the "contract" again to be lawfully single once more.

Nothing has value to you until you give meaning to it. That applies to relationship as well...

P.S.: I prefer those flawed in this manner...

Thursday, June 19, 2008



唱:林慧萍 (口白:黄舒俊)

火车站的候车室 时常坐着一位打扮整齐的中年妇人
手里抱着一个老式皮箱 游目张望 似乎在期待什么
第一次见到妇人是他高中的时候 每天夜里从桃园通车到台北补习
深夜十一点回到桃园 妇人总是准时地坐在候车室的木椅上
等待着的姿势 不安的眼神 端整的打扮 
起先他没有特别留意她 可是时间一久 尤其是没有旅客的时候
有一天他终于下定决心 在候车室等待那妇人离去
一直到深夜落音 一直到凌晨一点 妇人才站了起来
“水:等你没等到。 我先走了。 英 留”
那时他才知道 原来候车室长久以来的这则留言是出自那妇人
后来车站的老人告诉他 妇人已经在候车室坐了二十几年了
有人说她疯了 有人说曾看见她打开皮箱 箱里装的是少女时代的衣服
大部分的人都说 在二十几年前的一个夜晚 
要私奔到某一个不知名的地方 可是叫水的那个男人却缺席了
有一天他回家的时候 不再看到英的影子 
这风雨无阻的妇人那一天没有来 第二天的清晨
英残缺的身体被发现在铁道上 皮箱滚到很远的地方
旅客留言板上有她的字迹 只改了几个字
“水:等你三十年 我先走了 英 留”

就这样 断了线 就真这样 不再相见
飞出了时间 飞出天边 飞到另外一个 没有我的天
经过许多年 所有的眷恋 飘浮在时空里 没有终点
人生是一张 泛黄的相片 而我站在车站静止的画面

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Skin-on car

Car of the future. Cool concept but dunno how practical it'll be.. a scratch & it could be torn apart. Anywayz, I like the idea.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

