Saturday, December 22, 2012



Saturday, December 8, 2012

Implementation stage & officially starting next Jan, finally~

It's been over 6 months of intensive study & over 4 months of 99% commitment into minding my own 'business'.  16 hours a day, 7 days a week marathon; loads of hard work & short term sacrifices; but very well worth it!  All these time & financial investment will reap massive rewards in time to come;

I strongly believe.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


"Nothing can stop me from Success; except myself."

P.S.: Success doesn't mean wealth alone. It begins with a definitive goal in mind, & achieving it 'beautifully' over time; with a Smile =)

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Keep Going

"Every wrong attempt discarded is another step forward"
- Edison, Thomas A.

Monday, October 1, 2012


佳节的夜好美.. 一人的心却只能在宇宙中独自飘荡。爱与不爱似乎已经不再重要。继续为目标前进。

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


新的生活方式写下了另一个月的新篇章。 在这一天,我更清楚的闻到了那叫成功的淡淡香气;我想,那应该离我不远了。 虽然只是短短的一个月,感觉却像是很久很久以前的事了。 以前那早六晚九的上班生活已经感觉很陌生,似乎我已经完全摆脱了那个伴随了我近14年的生活方式。 虽然如此;回忆,(多数..)总是甜蜜的。

Wednesday, August 22, 2012



Tuesday, July 31, 2012

A new beginning awaits..

今天,是个特别的日子;对我的事业甚至是生活来说。 赶着6点半起床工作、搭巴士、排长龙、过1-2小时的关卡、满街的塞车、人挤人等巴士、6小时来回的工作、等等等...不再! 新的事业和无限可能性在等着,成功是一定的;努力追求一切,我期待着那天的到来。那会是一个月后,半年后还是多久呢?大家走着瞧。

Monday, July 16, 2012



Wednesday, July 4, 2012


时间到了。 一早起来就有了觉悟。有时表面看起来非常不好的事会促成其它非常好的事情发生;凡事都有两面。 破釜沉舟..就是这种觉悟和体验。今天做不到的事,不代表明天也做不到。只要你相信,也愿意付出一切去寻找、去达成,什么目标都有可能实现。加油~!!!
" Your life change the moment you decides! "

Monday, June 18, 2012



Thursday, May 24, 2012


桃花盛开的季节到了吗?已经闻到清风带来的淡淡花香~ 过去就让它随风而去..

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Monday, April 9, 2012



Tuesday, March 27, 2012

End of Blackmagic Design Pte Ltd

My company for 2 years, Blackmagic design was bought over by our competitor VHQ. Yesterday was the last day & many were in low morale, some emotionally attached to old company & boss, some worried if they'll be laid off with the new management. No matter what happens, life goes on; there's always a choice.

"You will figure it out"

This reminds me of myself when I was a kid; always curious about the world around & exploring with all my available senses, even though there may be some dangers unknown to me then. Sometimes we just have to follow our instinct & do it.
- extracted from by Amber Rae
Those words—I will figure it out—are the key to staying confident when presented with anything uncertain or unknown. (And life is almost completely uncertain and unknown.) No one ever really knows what the path to getting to our end destination will look like. We can make predications based on our past and plan toward our future but until we’re there experiencing it in the moment, it’s all just a dream.

Friday, March 23, 2012


一年又过去。差点就忘了..忘了就好。人到中年时光流逝特别快,快到有些可怕。 我会学着,学着更积极面对往后的日子。

Tuesday, March 13, 2012



Monday, March 5, 2012

梦 050312

没想到还会梦见你.. 11年就这样不经意过去..你还记得我吗..?

Friday, February 24, 2012